Kaltura API requests are standard HTTP POST/GET, URL encoded requests targeted to a specific API method. Each API method location is concatenated out of base URI, service and action identifiers strings, according to the following format:
where[SERVICENAME] represents the specific service and [ACTIONNAME] represent an action to be applied on the specific service.
For example, a request to activate the “list” action of the “media” service should be posted to the following URL:
Each API method receives a different set of input parameters. For all request types:
Within this example the following parameters are being URL encoded and passed as API input parameters:
id = “abc” name = “name with spaces” entry { tag = “mytag”, description = “mydesc” } cdate = “2001-02-04 03:11:32”
Kaltura API response content is gziped by default (assuming client specifies it supports gzip). Every response content is wrapped in an XML formatted container object, holding a <result> element.
When Kaltura server executes an API request successfully, the <result> element within response’s body will hold a structure of parameters relevant for the specific request. Response’s <result> structure could be simple, holding one or few parameters, or complex, holding many parameters including nested objects.
Example of Successful Response:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <xml> <result> <objectType>KalturaMediaEntry</objectType> <id>vcnp8h76m8</id> <name>Demo Video</name> <description/> <partnerId>1</partnerId> <userId/> <tags/> <adminTags>demo</adminTags> <status>2</status> <type>1</type> <createdAt>1240844664</createdAt> </result> <executionTime>0.08957796096802</executionTime> </xml>
When Kaltura server fails to execute a specific API request, an <error> element will be nested within response’s <result> element. The <error> element will hold information on response error code and the equivalent error message.
The following table lists few possible general API error codes and their equivalent messages:
Error Code | Error message |
INTERNAL_SERVERL_ERROR | Internal server error occured |
MISSING_KS | Missing KS, session not established |
SERVICE_NOT_SPECIFIED | Service name was not specified, please specify one |
SERVICE_DOES_NOT_EXISTS | Service "%SERVICE_NAME%" does not exists |
ACTION_NOT_SPECIFIED | Action name was not specified, please specify one |
ACTION_DOES_NOT_EXISTS | Action "%ACTION_NAME%" does not exists for service "%SERVICE_NAME%" |
INVALID_OBJECT_TYPE | Invalid object type "%OBJECT_TYPE%" |
INVALID_ENUM_VALUE | Invalid enumeration value "%GIVEN_VALUE%" for parameter "%PARAMETER_NAME%", expecting enumeration type "%ENUM_TYPE" |
INVALID_PARTNER_ID | Invalid partner id "%PARTNER_ID%" |
INVALID_SERVICE_CONFIGURATION | Invalid service configuration. Unknown service [%SERVICE_NAME%:%ACTION_NAME%]. |
PROPERTY_VALIDATION_MIN_LENGTH | The property "%PROPERTY_NAME%" must have a min length of %MININUM_LENGTH% characters |
PROPERTY_VALIDATION_MAX_LENGTH | The property "%PROPERTY_NAME%" cannot have more than %MAXIMUM_LENGTH% characters |
PROPERTY_VALIDATION_NOT_UPDATABLE | The property "%PROPERTY_NAME%" cannot be updated |
INVALID_USER_ID | Invalid user id |
Example of an error Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <xml> <result> <error> <code>MISSING_KS</code> <message>Missing KS. Session not established</message> </error> </result> <executionTime>0.011207971573</executionTime> </xml>